Can I Update My Listed Asset’s Details?

Yes, simply get in touch with us and express the changes you wish to make to the relevant project details. For more guidance on the process, please continue reading this article.

How-To Update Your Project Details

  1. Initiate Contact: Start by getting in touch with our team. Reach out to your StegX contact or contact us by clicking here.
  2. Express Your Update Request: When you contact us, please include:
    • Name of the Project: State which project you are referring to.
    • Details to be Updated: Specify which aspects of the project need revision.
    • Desired Changes: Clearly describe the new information or updates you wish to see implemented.
Please note that not all information can be flexibly changed once published. For instance, significant alterations, such as changes to the target financials, can profoundly impact investor trust and acceptance. It is essential to understand that investors, having committed based on specific expectations, may be adversely affected if these expectations are drastically altered post-investment. We reserve the right to correct any factual errors as they are identified; however, significant changes will be communicated thoroughly to all affected parties to maintain transparency and trust.
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Last updated on:

May 16, 2024

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