How to Invest with StegX

This article will guide you step-by-step through our investment process. We'll start by screening the marketplace for potentially interesting assets, then move to the product detail page for a more detailed review. Next, we'll walk through the subscription process itself, and finally, we'll review the portfolio overview after a successful transaction.

How Can I Navigate the Marketplace?

Our marketplace layout is straightforward. You can scroll through all investments visible to you (private deals will not be visible unless you are invited by the issuer). The header displays the most important links at all times, and you can set filters on the left page to sort for specific types of investments, which are then displayed on the right. Want to see how it works? Watch our screen recording below:

How Can I Navigate a Product Detail Page?

Every product details page is structured in a standardized manner to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you are looking for. It begins with images and a short description, followed by key metrics and more detailed information in predefined categories below. You can initiate the subscription process by clicking on the 'Invest' button located on the right side of the product details page.

How Does the Subscription Process Work?

Investing with StegX is straightforward. Follow these steps to complete your subscription process:

How to Start the Subscription

You can start the subscription process from the respective product detail page by clicking on the 'Invest' button.

How To Navigate The Compliance Checkpoint

You'll be directed to the Compliance Checkpoint page. This page ensures that all necessary requirements are met before proceeding with your investment.

To successfully complete the Compliance Checkpoint, make sure the following three requirements are fulfilled:

  1. Connect Your Wallet
    • Your wallet must be connected to your StegX account to enable transactions and sign documents.
  1. Complete Your Profile Details
    • Ensure that your profile information is fully provided and up-to-date, including:
      • Name
      • Address: Make sure your address is verified and activated.
      • Date of Birth
      • Phone Number
  2. Successful Completion of the Onboarding
    • Completing the onboarding process is necessary to access the full features of the StegX marketplace.

If all three requirements are met, simply click on 'Select Tokens' to move forward to the next step in the investment process.

If you find that any of the requirements are not fulfilled, follow these guides to complete the necessary steps:

  • For information on how to connect your wallet, click here.
  • For details on providing your personal information, can be found here.
  • More information on how to complete the onboarding process, click here.

For further questions, please contact us by clicking here.

How To Select Tokens

In this step, simply select the number of tokens you want to purchase. The minimum amount of tokens required for purchase may vary depending on the token price and the minimum amount of tokens required for each investment. Once you have selected the possible token amount, you can continue by clicking 'Continue to Disclosures'.

How to Agree to Terms & Conditions

Here, you are asked to read and approve all provided terms and conditions. You can open the relevant documents by clicking on the embedded links next to the checkboxes.

Once you have accepted all checkboxes - either individually or by ticking 'Accept all' - you can proceed by clicking 'Continue to Documents'

How to Sign the Emission Documents

In this step, you are asked to view and/or sign certain offering documents. The required action can differ depending on the document; some you only need to view, while others require approval via your digital wallet.

Please be advised that the signing process with your digital wallet might take some time to complete. Please do not refresh the page during loading screens.

Once you have completed all required actions, you can proceed by clicking 'Continue to Payment'.

There, you can choose between two different payment methods (if both are supported). You can either pay using stablecoins (USDC) or fiat currency via bank account payments.

If you want to learn more about the payment methods StegX is offering, please read the following article: What Payment Methods Are Available?

Payment with Stablecoins

If you choose 'Stablecoin' as a payment method, the system will ask you to initiate an allowance from your digital wallet by clicking on the 'Approve Allowance' button.

The system will lead you through a series of interactions with your digital wallet, requiring you to approve multiple transactions. Some of these transactions might take a while to process. Please avoid refreshing the page during loading screens. The system will display the following message once the transaction is complete.

Transaction Confirmation for Stablecoin Payments

After successfully completing a transaction, you can verify your order confirmation through two methods:

How to View the Transaction Details on the StegX Platform

Access the transaction details directly on the StegX platform. Simply click on 'Show More Details' to see the transaction details.

How to View the Transaction Details on the Blockchain via the Blockchain Explorer

Review the transaction on the blockchain via a blockchain explorer to see the immutable record by clicking on the transaction hash to see the transaction details.

These methods ensure that you can confidently verify and track your transactions at any time.

How to Make Fiat Payments

If you choose to make a payment using fiat currency, follow the steps below to complete the transaction using bank transfers. This guide provides detailed instructions to ensure a smooth and secure payment process:

  • Select Fiat (Bank Transfer): During the 'Select Payment Method’ step, choose ‘Fiat (Bank Transfer)’.
  • Click on 'ACH/WIRE': Proceed by clicking on 'ACH/WIRE'.
  • Enter Details: Input the document name, bank reference ID (ensure the Bank Reference ID is unique), select the document purpose, and upload the ACH/WIRE transfer request form or a similar document.
  • Click on 'Submit': After checking that all details are correct, click on 'Submit' to complete your transaction.
  • Currently, our platform supports only standard bank transfers for fiat payments. We will update this guide as new fiat payment alternatives become available. Ensure all details are correct before submitting your payment to avoid any delays in the token issuance process.

    How Can I Navigate My Portfolio Dashboard After a Transaction?

    You can access your portfolio dashboard from anywhere on our marketplace. Simply hover over 'Dashboard' in the header and click on 'My Portfolio'.

    Understanding the Portfolio Dashboard

    The Portfolio Dashboard on StegX is designed to be your command center for managing and reviewing your investments. Here’s what you can expect from this tool:

  • Overview of Your Investments: At a glance, you can see the total number of successful, pending, and failed investments, as well as those awaiting approval. This immediate snapshot helps you gauge the overall status of your portfolio quickly and efficiently.
  • Investment Type Summary: The dashboard includes a detailed pie chart that breaks down your investments by type.
  • Detailed List of Investments: Below the summary, there’s a detailed list of each specific investment you’ve made. This section includes the deal name, the number of tokens you hold, their purchase value, and the project's overall status. Each entry is interactive, allowing you to click for more detailed insights.
  • By utilizing the Portfolio Dashboard, you ensure you have all the necessary information at your fingertips to make savvy investment decisions and to keep a pulse on the status and health of your financial endeavors on StegX.

    Begin Your Investment Journey

    Start your journey with StegX by clicking here to join the digital one-stop-shop for institutional real estate. If you have further questions, please contact us, our team is happy to help.

    Last updated on:

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