Do I Need a Wallet to Invest?

You do not necessarily need a wallet to invest in assets listed on the StegX marketplace. However, without a wallet, you can only invest traditionally by contacting StegX directly, not through the StegX marketplace itself. Therefore, it is highly recommended to utilize a wallet. You can either create a wallet on the marketplace or bring your own. For more information, please continue reading.

Why Is the Wallet Important?

The wallet is the primary tool for navigating the StegX platform. It is used for signing documents, identifying yourself, facilitating transactions, and storing tokens.

What Options Do I Have for Creating or Connecting a Wallet?

There are two options for utilizing a wallet on the StegX Marketplace:

  1. Create a New Wallet:
    StegX offers a Wallet-as-a-Service option. Upon completing the StegX onboarding process, our system provides the option to create a new digital wallet with our partner, Dfns—the most secure Wallet-as-a-Service platform in Web3. For more information on how to create a wallet, please refer to the following article: How To Create A Wallet
  2. Connect an Existing Wallet:
    Simply click on the 'Wallet' button at the top right, select Rainbow, and choose the wallet provider you want to connect to. More information on how to connect your wallet can be found here: How to Connect Your Wallet

Please note that currently, you cannot transfer your tokens to another wallet on your own. If you need to do so, please reach out to us via our contact form or directly at ',' and we will assist you in transferring the tokens to a different wallet.

How Can I Invest the Traditional Way?

If you are interested in investing while completely avoiding using a wallet, please reach out to us via our contact form or directly at We will gladly help you with this or any other inquiries. Learn more about traditional investments on the StegX platform: Can I Invest Traditionally?

Still Uncertain About Digital Wallets?

Are you still confused about digital wallets and how StegX enables you to invest in both traditional and tokenized real estate investment structures? No problem! Simply reach out to us and we'll be glad to help.

Last updated on:

July 16, 2024

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