How to Join the Marketplace?

This article provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the entire onboarding process, covering everything from setting up an account to classifying yourself as a professional investor—whether as a natural person or a legal entity—as well as completing the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Know-Your-Business (KYB) processes. Each step is thoroughly explained to ensure a smooth and efficient onboarding experience.

Create A StegX Account

Start your onboarding journey by creating an account. This can be done easily through social sign-in or via email registration.

  1. Visit the StegX Marketplace Website: Start by navigating to the homepage of the StegX Marketplace.
  2. Choose Your Registration Method:
    • Social Sign-In: For a quick and easy registration, select the social sign-in option. Simply click on the 'Sign-In with Google' button.
    • Email Registration: If you prefer to register via email address, click on 'Register' and enter your email address and password in the respective fields.
  3. Confirm Your Email Address: If you registered via email, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. Open this email and click on the confirmation link to verify your email address and activate your account. Make sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the email in your inbox.
If you are registering as an employee of a company, please use your work email address to log in.

Before Starting the Onboarding Process: Provide Your Personal Information

To ensure a smooth onboarding process, please provide your address, profile details, such as date of birth and phone number, and connect your wallet before proceeding. Here’s how to update each section:

Navigating to the ‘Personal Information’ Section

  1. Access your profile: Click on the profile icon and select ‘Profile’ from the dropdown menu.
  2. Update your personal information:
    • Navigate to the 'Personal Information' section.
    • You'll find subsections labeled ‘My Personal Information’, ‘Address’, and 'Wallets’.

How to Add Your Phone Number and Date of Birth

  1. Enter your phone number: Go to the 'Personal Information' section and type your phone number into the field labeled 'Phone Number'.
  2. Select your date of birth: Use the dropdown in the field marked ‘Date of Birth’.
  3. Save your details: Click 'Update Details' to save your phone number and date of birth.

How to Add Your Address

  1. Add a new address: Navigate to the ‘Address' section and click on ‘Add New Address’.
  2. Provide address details: Enter your complete address information.
  3. Activate your address:
    • After entering your address, go to the ‘My Address’ section.
    • Click on ‘Activate’ to ensure your address is set to active.

For assistance with connecting your wallet, please refer to our guide: How to Connect Your Wallet.

Start the Onboarding Process

Once you've provided  your personal information, activated your address and connected your wallet you can initiate the verification process, by following these steps:

  • Navigate to the ‘Onboarding & Compliance’ section.
  • Click on ‘Request Classification’ to start the professional investor classification.

Select the Type of Investor

Due to regulatory reasons, StegX is only servicing professional investors. Both natural persons and legal entities can be classified as professional investors.

Now you need to choose which type of investor you want to onboard.

  1. Choose Your Investor Type: Decide whether to proceed as a 'Natural Person' or as a 'Legal Entity'.
  2. Click on the Corresponding Option:
    • If you are a natural person and want to onboard yourself, click on 'Onboard as a Natural Person'.
    • If you are registering a legal entity (for example, the company you work for), click on 'Onboard as a Legal Entity'.
If you have questions about qualifying as a professional investor or need assistance with your selection, please contact our support team.

Based on your selection in the previous step, your onboarding process will continue accordingly. We will begin with the onboarding process for natural persons. If you are registering as a legal entity, please proceed to the section titled 'Classify as a Legal Entity'.

Onboard as a Natural Person

To view a demonstration of the onboarding process for natural persons, please click on the video below:

Classify as a Professional Investor - Natural Person

If you want to continue the onboarding as a natural person, simply select ‘Natural Person’ and click on ‘Next’.

Professional Investor Classification - Natural Person

To be classified as a professional investor, you must meet at least two of the following three criteria. Please select the checkboxes of the criteria you fulfill.

If you are unsure about meeting the requirements, please contact us.

Confirm Your Classification

  1. Read the statements associated with each checkbox carefully.
  2. Confirm your agreement by clicking on the checkboxes.
  3. After selecting the checkboxes, click on the 'complete classification' button to proceed to the next step.

Confirm T&C and Disclosures

Please read and confirm the Terms & Conditions along with any disclosures provided. This ensures your understanding and agreement before proceeding.

  1. Access the Terms & Conditions and disclosure documents provided.
  2. Thoroughly read each document.
  3. Confirm your agreement by Signing the Documents with your wallet. Therefore, please make sure your Wallet is connected.
StegX GmbH is a so-called "tied agent" in terms of § 3 (2) WpIG and acts as an investment intermediary according to § 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG exclusively for BMCP GmbH, Munich.

KYC and ID-Verification

Complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process to verify your identity. This mandatory step ensures that the personal data submitted matches your identity, a common practice among financial service providers like ours to verify the identities of investors.

Step 1: Initiate Identification

To start the identification process, click on the 'Get Nexera Access Token' button. Ensure that your wallet is connected, as authentication with your wallet is required to initiate the process.

Step 2: Conduct the Video Identification

Once the video identification has begun, you will enter a video call with a KYC operator. To successfully complete this step, simply follow the instructions provided by the KYC operator. During the call, you will need to present one of the following documents to verify your identity:

  • Driver’s License
  • ID Card
  • Residence Permit
  • Passport

Step 3: Complete the Process

After the video identification call, please submit your email address to receive a verification email.

Complete Onboarding

Review and confirm your onboarding information to ensure all details are correct. This final step completes the setup process.

  1. Review all the information you have provided during the onboarding process to ensure its accuracy.
  2. Make sure you have signed all relevant documents and confirmed all disclosures as required.
  3. Once all documents are signed and disclosures confirmed, the 'Continue' button will become active.
  4. Click on the 'Continue' button to finalize your onboarding
This is the final step of the onboarding process. Please note that you will not be able to invest immediately; your documents must first be reviewed and approved. You will receive a notification email once your account is verified and ready for investment activities.

Onboard as a Legal Entity

Before you initiate the Legal Entity Classification, ensure that you are authorized to act on behalf of your company. You should hold one of the following roles:

  • Shareholder
  • Economically Authorized Person
  • Managing Director
  • Board of Directors
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Authorized Representative

Please ensure that you possess the necessary documents to verify your claimed role.

To view a demonstration of the onboarding process for legal entities, please click on the video below:

Classify as a Professional Investor - Legal Entity

If you want to onboarding as a legal entity, simply select ‘Legal Entity’ and click on ‘Next’.

Professional Investor Classification - Legal Entity

To be classified as a professional investor, your legal entity must meet at least one of the listed criteria. Follow the steps below to complete this classification.

If you are unsure about meeting the requirements, feel free to contact us.

Confirm Your Classification

  1. Review each statement provided in this section to ensure you understand and agree with them.
  2. Confirm your agreement by ticking the respective two checkboxes.
  3. After marking both checkboxes, click the 'Complete Classification' button to proceed to the next step.

Confirm T&C and Disclosures

Please read and confirm the Terms & Conditions along with any disclosures provided. This ensures your understanding and agreement before proceeding.

  1. Access the Terms & Conditions and disclosure documents provided.
  2. Thoroughly read each document.
  3. Confirm your agreement by signing the documents. Your wallet needs to be connected for this step.
StegX GmbH is a so-called "tied agent" in terms of § 3 (2) WpIG and acts as an investment intermediary according to § 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG exclusively for BMCP GmbH, Munich.

Start the KYB Process

To start the KYB (Know Your Business) process. Our team is here to assist you with adding your legal entity to your account.

  1. Click on the 'Contact Form' link to get in touch with our support team. Alternatively, you can also access the onboarding form by clicking here
  2. Provide basic company information in the contact form.
  3. After filling out the necessary information, click on 'Initiate KYB' to start the Know Your Business process.

After clicking on 'Initiate KYB' our team will get in contact with you and guide you through the process.

The KYB (Know Your Business) process involves three key steps:

  1. Naming the Authorized Representative
  2. UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) Check
  3. PEP (Politically Exposed Person) Check
Please submit the required documents via email to our team to facilitate these checks. Detailed information on each step will be provided in the subsequent sections.

KYB - Name the Authorized Representative

Identify the authorized representative for your company and provide the necessary details.

Please provide a document, such as a registry excerpt, providing information about the legal representatives of your company, including the designated authorized representative.

KYB - Determining the UBO

Identifying the Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) is a critical component of the KYB process because it provides insights into who ultimately controls the company.

UBOs are individuals who either directly or indirectly own or control more than 25% of a company’s shares or voting rights, or who have significant influence or control over the management of the company.
  1. Document Preparation:
    • For German Entities: Obtain an up-to-date transparency register extract. This document lists all persons who are considered beneficial owners under German law.
    • For Non-German Entities: Prepare a current shareholder list or equivalent document that identifies all beneficial owners as per the regulatory requirements of your jurisdiction.
  2. Document Format:
    • Ensure that the document is in PDF format.

If you need further clarification on what constitutes a UBO in your specific situation, please contact our support team.

KYB - PEP Screening

Conducting a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) screening is a critical step for adhering to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, as well as broader international compliance standards. Therefore, please fill out the respective section in the (more details on the document once created) document.

A PEP (Politically Exposed Person) is someone who has been in a significant public position (e.g. politics) in the last 12 months or is close to such a person (e.g. family members or other related persons).

Document Submission: Please send the KYB Onboarding Form to the designated onboarding email address.

Send KYB Documents to StegX

After filling out the form, you need to send the following documents to

  1. A Registry Excerpt (not older than 6 months): This document should provide information about your company's legal representatives, including the identified authorized representative.
  2. A Power of Attorney (if applicable): Required if the authorized representative of your legal entity is not empowered to enter into legal transactions independently or is not registered in the commercial register.
  3. Articles of Association, Constitution, or similar documents: These are required for entities constituted by virtue of public/administrative law.
  4. Transparency Register / Shareholder List (or Alternative): Provide information as described under 'KYB - Determining the UBO'.
  5. Group Diagram/Chart: Presenting the ownership structure within a 10% threshold, preferably supported by official documents such as lists of shareholders, partnership agreements, and other similar official documents.

After sending the documents, StegX will review them and notify you via email that the documents are approved and the video identification is available.

KYB and ID-Verification

To complete the KYB process the authorized representative needs to verify its identity. This mandatory step ensures that the personal data submitted is verified. This is a common practice among financial service providers like ours to verify the identities of investors.

Step 1: Initiate Identification

To start the identification process, click on the 'Get Nexera Access Token' button. Ensure that your wallet is connected, as authentication with your wallet is required to initiate the process.

Step 2: Conduct the Video Identification

Once the video identification has begun, you will enter a video call with a KYC operator. To successfully complete this step, simply follow the instructions provided by the KYC operator. During the call, you will need to present one of the following documents to verify your identity:

  • Driver’s License
  • ID Card
  • Residence Permit
  • Passport

Step 3: Complete the Process

After the video identification call, please submit your email address to receive a verification email confirming the completion of the process.

Complete Onboarding

Review and confirm your onboarding information to ensure all details are correct. This final step completes the setup process.

  1. Review all the information you have provided during the onboarding process to ensure its accuracy.
  2. Make sure you have signed all relevant documents and confirmed all disclosures as required.
  3. Once all documents are signed and disclosures confirmed, the 'Continue' button will become active.
  4. Click on the 'Continue' button to finalize your onboarding.
This is the final step of the onboarding process. Please note that you will not be able to invest immediately; your documents must first be reviewed and approved. You will receive a notification email once your account is verified and ready for investment activities.
Begin Your Investment Journey

Start your journey with StegX by clicking here to join the digital one-stop-shop for institutional real estate. If you have further questions, please contact us, our team is happy to help.

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