How Does StegX Verify Asset Managers and Owners?

Each Asset Manager and Asset Owner needs to complete a KYB (Know Your Business) process that is akin to the highest international compliance standards before they can list their assets on the StegX marketplace. Additionally, the StegX team holds multiple mandatory kickoffs with the newly onboarded Asset Managers and Asset Owners. These kickoffs involve detailed discussions and guidance sessions aimed at ensuring that the asset listing process aligns with the necessary institutional standards of our investor base. During these sessions, our team provides support and oversight to ensure compliance and address any questions or concerns that may arise.

What Does the KYB Process for Asset Managers and Owners Involve?

The KYB process for Asset Managers and Asset Owners includes the same steps as those covered in our investor onboarding process. This not only ensures that both parties on our platform can act with the required trust and confidence but is also mandatory for us as the platform operator, as we are registered with the German financial regulatory authority (BaFin).

If you want to learn more about the legal side of StegX, you can visit the following article:

Begin Your Investment Journey

Start your journey with StegX by clicking here to join the digital one-stop-shop for institutional real estate. If you have further questions, please contact us, our team is happy to help.

Last updated on:

May 15, 2024

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