Where Are My Assets Held?

Asset custody varies depending on your chosen investment and setup. However, it's important to note that StegX never holds your assets directly. For more details on asset custody, refer to this article.

How Are Digital Assets Stored?

The storage location and method of your tokens depend on the wallet setup you choose, but it's important to note that StegX never serves as the custodian of your digital assets.

You can either use a wallet created during the onboarding process with our partner Dfns or bring your own existing digital wallet. Additionally, you have the flexibility to switch wallets, allowing you to use different wallets for different investments.

In general, you can choose between two types of wallets:

  • Custodial Wallets: Think of these as bank accounts for your digital assets, managed by a trusted third party. Custodial wallets are a great option if you prefer not to handle security details yourself.
  • Non-Custodial Wallets: These wallets put you in the driver's seat, giving you complete control over your digital assets. You manage your own security keys, which is akin to having a personal safe. This option is ideal if you're interested in learning more about digital asset security and enjoy having direct control over your investments. More information on non-custodial wallets can be found here: Introduction To Non-Custodial Wallets

Regardless of the wallet setup, StegX never controls or accesses your wallets, including those created by Dfns. Instead, StegX functions solely as a wallet onboarding provider, facilitating your ability to trade digital assets.

For more information about the different wallet setups, please refer to the following article: Do I need a wallet to invest?

How Are Traditional Assets Stored?

Similar to the digital wallet setup, StegX plays no role in the custody of your traditional assets. Their location depends on your individual setup and choice of custodian.

Begin Your Investment Journey

Start your journey with StegX by clicking here to join the digital one-stop-shop for institutional real estate. If you have further questions, please contact us, our team is happy to help.

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